Meet Danny Chambers
Winchester's Liberal Democrat MP
Save Our A&E
Acute Health Services are at risk in Winchester, Danny is fighting to save them.
How can Danny help?
Danny's Letters
Danny is working hard lobbying government ministers and public bodies.
Where does Danny stand?
Cost of Living Action
Danny is fighting for more help local residents feeling the squeeze.
Protect Our Environment
Help Danny hold the water companies to account for raw sewage dumping
A Plan for Social Care
Back Danny's Plan to free up 200 beds in Winchester's hospital
Meet Danny Chambers
Before being elected as an MP, Danny worked as a vet in Winchester. He is the trustee a mental health charity and was elected by his peers to the body that governs the veterinary profession. He’s been involved in charitable projects all over the world.
He is committed to campaigning for better healthcare services for Winchester. He has also used his platform as a vet to campaign nationally on wider issues ranging from mental health to animal welfare.
Danny enjoys cycling, running and hiking. One of his favourite routes is the Itchen Navigation along the route of the old canal.